
Exhibit Planning
Exhibitor Schedule
Exhibitor Move-In/Set-Up
Mon, April 28 / 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Tues, April 29 / 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
All booths must be set-up and ready for business by Wednesday at 9:00 a.m.
Expo Show Hours
Wed, April 30 / 10:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Exhibitor Tear-Down/Move-Out
Wed, April 30 / 2:31 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Exhibits must remain intact until the show closes at 2:30 p.m. on Wednesday.
Exhibits must be removed from the building no later than 8:00 p.m.
Any items left in the building after the conclusion of exhibitor move-out will be discarded as trash and exhibitor will be financially liable for any applicable trash/dumpster fees.
Shipping & Move-in
Freight can be shipped to the Freeman warehouse beginning March 31, 2025. Any material arriving after April 22, 2025 will be received at the warehouse with an additional after deadline charge.
If you are using your own carrier for return shipping after the show, please note that the return carrier will need to pick up from the show site. In the event your selected carrier fails to show on final move-out day, Freeman reserves the right to re-route your freight onto another carrier at the exhibitor's expense. See the Freeman Quick Facts for more information.
Please note that any exhibitors who ship their materials will be subject to Material Handling charges. Please see Freeman Online Exhibitor Kit for more information.
Alternatively, exhibitors may carry in their own booth materials, provided they are able to hand carry without the use of any mechanical equipment. See Union Jurisdictions and Freeman Hand Carry Information.
Construction Guidelines & Booth Approval
Linear/In-line Booths:
- Display materials must not obstruct sight lines of neighboring exhibitors.
- Maximum height: 8 ft (allowed only in the rear half of the booth space).
- Height restriction: 4 ft (allowed only in the front half of the booth space).
- Background surfaces and side dividers must have finished, exposed surfaces.
Submitting a booth diagram is optional, but encouraged. Exhibitors may submit their booth diagrams below for review to ensure compliance.
Exhibitors who choose not to submit a diagram fully accept responsibility for ensuring their booth is in compliance.
Any violations will result in fines and additional fees.
Please submit by: March 1, 2025
Show Management reserves the right to prohibit the installation of any exhibit which does not meet its approval. Exhibitors should be sure that all final exhibit designs are within the construction guidelines and then use the form linked below to submit the details to Show Management for review.
Learn more here: Terms & Conditions: Section 6 - Booth Construction Guidelines
Submit a Booth Layout
10x10 Booth Template
10x20 Booth Template
Booth Services
Exhibitor Liability Insurance – Required
Deadline: March 1, 2025
Vendor: Rainprotection | Exhibitor Liability Insurance Program
Furniture, Shipping, Material Handling, Labor, and more
Early Bird Deadline: April 1, 2025 | Deadline: April 21, 2025
Vendor: Freeman | Freeman Online Exhibitor Kit | Freeman Quick Facts
Lead Retrieval, Registration
Early Bird Deadline: April 4, 2025 | Deadline: April 30, 2025
Vendor: eShow | eShow Exhibitor Service Center
Audio/Visual, Electrical, Internet
Deadline: April 21, 2025
Vendor: Renaissance Austin Hotel | Exhibitor Order Form
Keep track of all show deadlines by logging in to your Map Your Show Exhibitor Checklist
Booth Furnishings
Tables, chairs and other furnishings are not included with booth space. The Renaissance Austin Hotel is carpeted and exhibitors are not required to purchase additional flooring unless they would like to customize the look of their booth at their own expense.
Exhibitors may bring in their own furnishings or rent from Freeman by visiting Freeman Exhibitor Kit. Order by April 1.
The purchase price of your booth space includes:
8’ high booth back drape
3’ high draped side dividers
44” x 7” identification sign with company name & booth #.
Material Handling | Installation & Dismantle Labor
Freeman is the general contractor for the show and responsible for all movement of freight within the event venue. They are the exclusive provider of the services below.
Go to FreemanOnline
- Material Handling
- Installation & Dismantle Labor
Exhibitor Appointed Contractor (EAC)
Exhibitors may, with prior written approval by IFMA, hire outside contractors for installation and dismantling of booths. Exhibitors must employ members of appropriate trade unions where required. EAC houses must supply proof of liability insurance certificates and letters of intent to Show management.
EAC Notification Form
Scam Alert
Attendee List Sales
IFMA is the only authorized source for attendee lists. If anyone else contacts you with list offers, be aware that the data they claim to have is fraudulent. Please be aware that these scammers are fraudulent and these are not legitimate offers. Reach out to expoadv@ifma.org to confirm legitimacy of any communication you may receive.
Hotel Poaching Advisory
Attendees and exhibitors may be subjected to inappropriate solicitation from hotels or third-party housing agencies not affiliated with IFMA’s Facility Fusion.
Poachers may offer a lower hotel rate than the rates offered in our official block. Consequently, the reserved rooms may be of significantly lower quality, cancellation policies are often intolerant, and you do not have the support of IFMA’s housing agent should you need assistance with your reservation.
IFMA goes to great lengths to ensure that every aspect of your Facility Fusion experience is of the highest quality and value. Poachers do not have your best interests in mind, nor are they committed to providing a high level of customer service.
Report Fraud Now
Please follow the steps below to report impersonators and scammers to the FTC.
- Navigate to https://reportfraud.ftc.gov/.
- Click "Report Now".
- Under Is your report about any of these common problems?, select "An impersonator (ex. fake government, business, love interest, grandchild' in the top left corner.
- Under Who were they pretending to be?, select "Well-known or trusted business (ex. tech support, utility company, bank) "in the top right corner.
- Follow the process from there, which should only take 1-2 minutes.
- Report as spam, and block any email address or phone number soliciting these illegitimate offers.
Need Help?
For assistance, please email show management or call 713-623-4362

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